Proposed District Plan Review 2023 2024

District Plan Review thumb

Council are currently undertaking a Review of the District Plan.  Due to the Resource Management Act 1991, we have a legal requirement to review the District Plan every 10 years. This is so we can make sure that we enable all the latest national policies and regulations.

If you want to know more or would like to sign up for further notifications, please email and request to be added to the District Plan Review mailing list.

Check out this timeline which shows all the steps of the District Plan Review.

Every Council is required to have a District Plan.

Tararua District Council is planning for the future with a review of the Tararua District Council Plan. The district Plan is effectively a ‘rule book’ that directs how we will use, develop and subdivide land in our district. The District Plan also contains rules to control what and where they can build and also what activities they can undertake. The Plan also controls any adverse effects an activity could have on the neighbourhood and protects the uniqueness of our district by looking after our heritage, cultural values, outstanding landscapes, highly productive soils and coastal environment among other matters.

It includes Council's environmental objectives and policies and sets out the rules to help us achieve those goals. It specifies what can and can’t be done without a Resource Consent, and the standards that must be followed. District Plans ensure that our current needs, including economic and residential growth, are balanced with protecting the natural environment for our residents today and for future generations.

Tararua District Council’s current or ‘Operative District Plan can be found here:  District Plan | Tararua District Council (

Tararua District Council are updating the District Plan through a formal review to ensure that we can grow in a sustainable way while protecting the things that make Tararua unique.

  • Council is required under the Resource Management Act 1991 to conduct a review of its District Plan every 10 years. The current District Plan was made operative in 2012 and therefore is now due for a review under the Act.
  • The government has also introduced a new  National Planning Standard format and the review will ensure that the new District Plan layout matches this requirement.
  • The proposed District Plan review will also mean that our document is current and gives effect to all relevant regional and national statutory documents.

  • Improved social and economic outcomes, and resilience
  • Enhancing and protecting our natural environment and landscapes.
  • Mana whenua and tangata whenua values are protected and integrated for future generations.
  • The plan is fit for purpose & future focused.
  • Partnering with mana whenua and the community, the District Plan will look to raise the bar for the future of the Tararua District. It will ensure TDC can manage the effects of growth while planning for the future. It will also ensure the environmental, social and economic needs of each community are provided for.

Check out this timeline which shows how we are planning to do the District Planning Review, and when.

District Planning Review Timeline

The District Plan is of critical importance to the community as it sets the rules for what is allowed to happen in the district – how your land can be used and how others’ land can be used – it is the core statutory document that drives land use in the district.

Community input will be needed along the way - both to shape the provisions of the Draft District Plan, and through the statutory consultation process that is required when the Proposed District Plan is officially notified.

The website will be updated as we progress through the phases of the review and we will let you know when public consultation is required - stay tuned for more updates!

If you want to know more or would like to sign up for further notifications, please email and request to be added to the District Plan Review mailing list.