Cemetery Fees & Charges

For details of where our main and historical cemeteries  are located go to  our  cemetery  search page

UnitFee ($)
Adult 1,800.00
Child between ages 2-14 years 500.00
Child under 2 years including stillborn and neonatal 250.00
Ashes and urns interred in ground 150.00
Scattering of ashes in cemetery areas
(using Council or Council contract staff, no charge otherwise)
Weekend interment fee
(all day Saturday – additional to interment charges as above)
Sundays and Public Holidays
(all day Sunday and Public Holidays - additional to interment charges as above)
Returned Servicepersons in Servicemen’s plot area or in lawn where no Servicemen’s area exists no charge
Exhumation and/or re-interment actual cost
Purchase of Plots
Adult 1,180.00
Child between ages 2-14 years 400.00
Child under 2 years including stillborn and neonatal 200.00
Returned Servicepersons in Servicemen’s plot area or in lawn where no Servicemen area exists no charge
Ashes Plot 320.00
Columbarium Wall niche 250.00
Memorial Wall plaque site 40.00
Out of district additional fee (for persons not resident nor ratepayers in the district) 1,000.00
Permit to erect memorials 50.00
Breaking concrete actual cost
Cemetery record extract searchfirst hourno charge
 per hour thereafter45.00
Resoiling old removed concrete plotsper plotactual cost
Kerbing resoiled old concrete plotsper plotactual cost