Information Requests - Proactive Release

As part of our commitment to being open and accountable, this page is where you will be able to access copies of requests we have received for official information we hold, and the response we provided to each request.

Many of the requests for information that we respond to would have an element of public interest, and publishing this information would provide for increased accountability to our community.

As part of publication of this information, we will be ensuring that publication does not breach any legal obligations, including those included in the Privacy Act 2020. There may be further redactions made to the information released under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 to ensure statutory compliance and address possible legal risks.

Date request receivedReceived fromTopicLink to informationDate response sent
09/02/2025IndividualImpact of Rule Change on Speed Limits in Tararua DistrictImpact of Rule Change on Speed Limits in Tararua District10/02/2025
06/02/2025IndividualConservation Efforts in Tararua DistrictConservation Efforts in Tararua District07/02/2025
04/02/2025Act New ZealandSignage Rules for Election SignsSignage Rules for Election Signs04/02/2025
09/01/2025IndividualRequest for information re dog complaintRequest for information re dog complaint31/01/2025
05/01/2025IndividualInformation on Housing Needs and DevelopmentsInformation on Housing Needs and Developments13/01/2025
26/12/2024Animal Justice Party2025 Calendar of Meetings and Process for Public Participation2025 Calendar of Meetings and Process for Public Participation13/01/2025
20/12/2024IndividualResponse re Pahiatua Water Supply RestrictionsResponse re Pahiatua Water Supply Restrictions07/02/2025
20/12/2025Hamilton City CouncilResponse to Request for Information re Cat ManagementResponse to Request for Information re Cat Management24/01/2025
19/12/2024IndividualList of TDC Land and BuildingsList of TDC Land and Buildings20/12/2024
17/12/2024IndividualResponse re Wastewater Rates Charges for Rural PropertiesResponse re Wastewater Rates Charges for Rural Properties22/01/2025
16/12/2024IndividualResponse re Dannevirke Drinking Water Supply and Resilience MeasuresResponse re Dannevirke Drinking Water Supply and Resilience Measures31/01/2025
13/12/2024Taxpayers UnionInformation re Committee StructureInformation re Committee Structure19/12/2024
13/12/2024IndividualCitizenship Ceremony Dates for 2025Citizenship Ceremony Dates for 202517/12/2024
10/12/2024IndividualResponse to further information request re Special Purpose VehiclesResponse to further information request re Special Purpose Vehicles11/12/2024
03/12/2024Green Party AotearoaImpact of new Government Speed Setting RuleImpact of new Government Speed Setting Rule19/12/2024
29/11/2024IndividualList of chemicals in Tararua Drinking Water SuppliesList of chemicals in Tararua Drinking Water Supplies17/12/2024
27/11/2024IndividualCosts for works at Victoria Ave Bridge and Victoria Ave Queen Street Roundabout DannevirkeCosts for works at Victoria Ave Bridge and Victoria Ave Queen Street Roundabout Dannevirke19/12/2024
21/11/2024Canine Research NZDocuments relating to Dog Control ActivityDocuments relating to Dog Control Activity17/12/2024
19/11/2024IndividualDenmark Street and other leasesDenmark Street and other leases10/12/2024
19/11/2024IndividualFunding of Dannevirke Impound SupplyFunding of Dannevirke Impound Supply02/12/2024
09/11/2024IndividualInformation re fluoride testing Dannevirke Water SupplyInformation re fluoride testing Dannevirke Water Supply11/11/2024
06/11/2024Act PartyResponse re Liability for Role as BCA - Act PartyResponse re Liability for Role as BCA - Act Party02/12/2024
05/11/2024Community Law  Centres o AotearoaRequest for information re District Licensing CommitteesRequest for information re District Licensing Committees06/11/2024
31/10/2024IndividualInformation re Proposed Dannevirke SkateparkInformation re Proposed Dannevirke Skatepark11/11/2024
31/10/2024IndividualInformation re Fluoridation of Dannevirke Water SupplyInformation re Fluoridation of Dannevirke Water Supply11/11/2024
22/10/2024IndividualRequest for information re Special Purpose VehiclesRequest for information re Special Purpose Vehicles23/10/2024
22/10/2024IndividualRequests for Information re staff costs, LTPs, Council debtRequests for Information re staff costs, LTPs, Council debt23/10/2024
16/10/2024IndividualRecord of public trees planted or removedRecord of public trees planted or removed23/10/2024
16/10/2024IndividualToll Free Tararua Campaign costsToll Free Tararua Campaign costs23/10/2024
14/10/2024IndividualTararua Land Leases at Wastewater Treatment PondsTararua Land Leases at Wastewater Treatment Ponds11/11/2024
14/10/2024IndividualInformation on stock crossing traffic management plansInformation on stock crossing traffic management plans16/10/2024
14/10/2024IndividualRequest for information re Toll Free Tararua Campaign costsResponse re Toll Free Tararua Campaign costs15/10/2024
11/10/2024IndividualPolicy on Workshops and BriefingsPolicy on Workshops and Briefings07/11/2024
10/10/2024IndividualRequest for further information request re Land LeasesResponse to further information request re Land Leases11/10/2024
08/10/2024Disability Assist AdvocatesInformation on Service or Assistance Dogs being Attacked or refused entryInformation on Service or Assistance Dogs being Attacked or refused entry16/10/2024
08/10/2024Tararua Community Law CentreResponse re information on Rates Rebate Direct Debit ErrorResponse re information on Rates Rebate Direct Debit Error15/10/2024
30/09/2024IndividualRequest for information on costs to date for Toll CampaignCosts to date for Toll Campaign30/09/2024
20/09/2024NZ Council of Trade UnionsImpact of Government Policy Statement on Land Transport and National Land Transport  Programme on Tararua DistrictResponse to letter re impact of NLTP and GPS15/10/2024
17/09/2024Radio New ZealandResponse re applications for speed humps and traffic calmingResponse re applications for speed humps and traffic calming16/10/2024
13/09/2024Urban ConnectionTraffic Count Data re Manawatu GorgeTraffic Count Data re Manawatu Gorge19/09/2024
13/09/2024NewsroomMaori Ward Voting RecordResponse to request re Maori Ward Voting Record13/09/2024
12/09/2024IndividualInformation on land leases for land surrounding Dannevirke Wastewater pondsResponse to request for information re land leases at Dannevirke Wastewater Ponds09/10/2024
11/09/2024Snapshot ProjectsInformation on Overhead Gantry Signs Within Tararua DistrictInformation on Overhead Gantry Signs Within Tararua District19/09/2024
10/09/2024Taxpayers UnionWall Walks courses attended by staffRequest for information re wall walks08/10/2024
06/09/2024IndividualInformation re Section 17A ReviewsResponse to information request re S17A Reviews27/09/2024
06/09/2024Public Service AssociationIntroduction and Use of AI Tools and ApplicationsIntroduction and Use of AI Tools and Applications06/09/2024
02/09/2024Free Speech UnionPolicies and Guidelines for use of Council FacilitiesPolicies and Guidelines for use of Council Facilities17/09/2024
29/08/2024IndividualUAGC Percentage from Land Value RatesUAGC Percentage from Land Value Rates14/10/2024
27/08/2024IndividualLease held for Pahiatua Reservoir LandLease held for Pahiatua Reservoir Land03/09/2024
22/08/2024IndividualHalls Road Pahiatua FloodingHalls Road Pahiatua Flooding30/08/2024
20/08/2024Mataki EnvironmentalSurvey - Environmental StocktakeSurvey - Environmental Stocktake04/09/2024
20/08/2024Office of MP for Ikaroa-RawhitiCopy of Policy on Rating for Maori LandPolicy on Rating for Maori Land02/09/2024
19/08/2024IndividualMaintenance record for Huxley Street Pahiatua DrainsMaintenance record for Huxley Street Pahiatua Drains11/09/2024
19/08/2024TVNZImpact of Government reversing speed limit changesImpact of reversing speed limit changes20/08/2024
14/08/2024IndividualAnnual costs for road gutter sweeping and costs for water blasting footpathsCosts for road gutter sweeping and water blasting footpaths11/09/2024
09/08/2024IndividualCode of Conduct ComplaintsCode of Conduct Complaints20/08/2024
31/07/2024IndividualEmployment contracts of Mayor, Councillors and specified officersResponse to request for employment contracts09/08/2024
29/07/2024Office of MP for WairarapaProcess for accessing details for owners of derelict building in EketahunaInformation for accessing details of owners of property in Eketahuna06/08/2024
25/07/2024IndividualGrade of Fluoride to be added to Dannevirke Water SupplyGrade of Fluoride09/08/2024
16/07/2024IndividualFluoridation of Water SupplyFluoridation of Water Supply02/08/2024
15/07/2024IndividualCosts of job attendedCosts of job attended09/08/2024
15/07/2024IndividualIwi consultation costsIwi consultation costs22/07/2024
15/07/2024IndividualIdentification of 13 Playgrounds in Tararua DistrictLocation of Tararua District's 13 Playgrounds16/07/2024
09/07/2024IndividualNumber of views received in favour of fluoridationNumber of views received in favour of fluoridation22/07/2024
09/07/2024IndividualLocation of Victoria DomainLocation of Victoria Domain, Woodville10/07/2024
07/07/2024IndividualFluoridation of Water SupplyFluoridation of Water Supply08/07/2024
02/07/2024Green Party AotearoaLevel of spend on emergency management and number of staff in emergency management rolesLevel of emergency management spend and number of roles01/08/2024
02/07/2024IndividualStatus of Old Gorge CemeteryStatus of Old Gorge Cemetery22/07/2024