Dannevirke Impounded Water Supply

Baner impounded water supply

On this page you will find a collection of material about the Dannevirke Water Supply. We will update this page regularly so that everyone understands what is happening and what progress is being made.

Mayors Update - Dannevirke Impounded Water Supply - 8 July 2024

The peer review of the Tonkin & Taylor Geotechnical Interpretation Report is due for completion by early August which will provide us with the necessary advice of our four critical considerations: The stability of the eastern dam embankment and the western reservoir rim, the degree of urgency of remediating the existing liner and underlying subsoil network, along with understanding the potential for internal erosion of the eastern dam embankment, including the dam foundation and around the subsoil outlet pipe. Please watch the Mayors video update to find out more (below):

Public Water Meeting - Dannevirke Impounded Supply - 28 November 2023

On Tuesday, 28th of November, a public meeting was held to provide the community with an update on the Dannevirke Impounded Water Supply, and to answer your questions.

Please refer to the following documents:

Presentation 28 November 2023 - Dannevirke Impounded Supply - Public Water Meeting

Information Pack 28 November 2023 - Dannevirke Impounded Supply - Public Water Meeting

This meeting was recorded and can be viewed below.

Extraordinary Council Meeting - Dannevirke Impounded Supply  - 31 October 2023

An extraordinary Council meeting was held on 31 October 2023 to discuss next steps for the Dannevirke Impounded Supply. Please watch the video of this meeting below.

Here is a collection of Frequentely Asked Questions (FAQs) which were compiled ahead of the Extraordinary Council Meeting on 31 October 2023.  If you have any specific questions you would like answered, please email them to communications@tararuadc.govt.nz

Council passed resolutions that included funding of $3.2 million for raw water pre-treatment and $400,000 to purchase a raw water storage tank and a further $2.5 million for a 6 million litre treated water storage tank.
Council also decided to delay the delay the decision whether to repair the Impounded Supply. This was due to outstanding geotechnical investigations, supply challenges with sourcing a pre-treatment facility and issues relating to the impounded supply liner system.

The purpose of pre-treatment is so we can continue to treat water from the Tamaki River, even when the water becomes murky during heavy rain events. This should reduce the need to issue boil water notices. The extra water tanks will provide additional storage and resilience in periods of high water turbidity and low river flows.

This is because we are unable to deploy pre-treatment before May 2024, and we still need the stored water in the Impounded Supply until that time. In addition, we don’t have all the information yet to make an informed decision as to whether to repair or not.

A public water meeting was held on Tuesday 28th of November and a Facebook Live Q&A session will be held on Wednesday 29th of November. The focus on both of these meetings will be to answer questions from the community.
Due to the urgency of this issue, Council did not formally consult on installing the recommended pre-treatment and storage.
However, Council expects to consult with the community next year to make decisions on the future of the Dannevirke Impounded Supply.

Yes, the water continues to be safe to drink. Samples are taken every week from different locations across Dannevirke and tested. Installing raw water pre-treatment will provide greater resilience during extreme weather conditions

Yes, it is likely there will be water restrictions this summer because of dry weather conditions and low river flows. Our current resource consent requires Council to limit water extraction from the Tamaki River if it runs low. That means that Council cannot take enough water from the river to meet the town's water demands, which could result in water restrictions.

The likelihood of a long dry summer is one of the considerations leading to the recommendation not to dewater the Impounded Water Supply this November as was initially planned. This means that this summer, we can expect to have the stored water in the dam as a contingency backup. Work is also underway to investigate potential underground water sources. We will update the community in the near future about this .

The best way to prepare for an El Nino summer and any potential drought is to have a plan, harvest rainwater and think about water conservation in our daily lives. Council will also be providing regular updates and information on how to conserve water. Please remember to fill up swimming pools, and tackle those outdoor cleaning projects like water blasting now, while there is less/no pressure on our water supply.

After the temporary repairs in June this year, the impounded supply was stabilised, however, it has continued to present some deterioration and it is possible the volume of water held in the impounded supply will have to be reduced further. That is why
Council has decided to install raw water pre-treatment and additional treated storage capacity. Our teams are monitoring the impounded supply daily to watch out for any further deterioration. The impounded supply is physically inspected every day and electronic data is monitored daily.

Overview of important documents

Dannevirke Impounded Water Supply Update - Report to Council - 25 May 2023
Download PDF file (801.7 KB)
Dannevirke Water Update 23 June 2023
Download PDF file (2.5 MB)
Extraordinary Meeting Agenda - 31 October 2023
Download PDF file (1.2 MB)
Information Pack - Public Water Meeting - Impounded Supply - 29 November 2023
Download PDF file (2.3 MB)
Public Water Meeting - Impounded Supply - Presentation - 28 November 2023
Download PDF file (4.0 MB)
Spread Dannevirke Water Page
Download PDF file (1.8 MB)
Tonkin and Taylor Preliminary Report - Dannevirke Impounded Supply
Download PDF file (32.6 MB)

Public Water Meetings

On Tuesday, 27 June 2023 a public water meeting was held in Dannevirke. The purpose of the meeting was to update community members about the recent temporary repairs and to discuss the critical decisions that have to be made with regards to a permanent fix for the impounded water supply.

The meeting has been recorded and is available below.

Overview of News articles about the Dannevirke Water Supply

Infographic about the temporary repairs carried out between 13-19 June 2023

Infographic which provides an overview of the Dannevirke Impounded Water Supply

This infographic provides an overview of Dannevirke's Water Supply system; from source to tap

From source to tap

A full page spread on the Dannevirke Water Supply appeared in the Bush Telegraph Newspaper on 20 June 2022, including this infographic. This page can be downloaded here.

Browse Council Agendas and Minutes

Browse Council Agendas and Minutes to see what has been discussed about the Dannevirke Impounded Water Supply