Community Leadership

Growing local leadership and collaboration skills is critical to the success of community-led projects and activities. The key to this activity is listening to what our community organisations want to achieve, both individually and as a collective, and then enabling access to the skills and resources needed to achieve the desired outcomes.

Community leadership will likely include activities such as:

  • facilitating community workshops on a range of topics,
  • sourcing and/or delivering community governance training, and
  • supporting organisations with advocacy to key decision-makers within council.

Upcoming events:

Inland Revenue Seminars and Webinars: Introduction to Business / GST Workshop

Free session provided by Inland Revenue

Inland Revenue has a variety of access to their available training. You can attend a seminar in person or online, and or you can visit their website and watch the recorded webinars in your own time and at your own pace. Detailed overviews of the topics covered in both the Introduction to Business training and the GST workshop are available on the Inland Revenue website.

Multiple sessions available in-person and online:

Webinar recordings available for self-paced learning:

Charities Services: One-on-One Clinics Every Thursday

Make a free appointment to speak with the Charities Services team and get answers to the questions you have about being a registered charity. There are a range of appointments available with Charities Services staff depending on what questions you need answered - including advice on your rules, advice on changing your purposes or activities, financial reporting and governance.

There are appointments available every Thursday. Register for one appointment, or multiple, depending on the help you need.

Hui E! Community Aotearoa: Grant Writing Support for Your Community Group

A free grant writing support service that pairs small-sized community groups with skilled volunteer grant writers. A volunteer grant writer can help draft one funding application for your community group (primarily for Government funding and Community Trusts for an amount between $5,000-$50,000).

Visit the Hui E! website to learn more about the service, or to enquire about becoming one of the volunteer grant writers:

Community Leadership Toolkit: