Local Funding Opportunities

This page contains information on funding search databases, funds administered by Council and other local funding opportunities.

Need support with your fundraising journey? Contact our Economic and Community Development Team via email or phone 06 374 4080 or 06 376 0110.

Tararua Grant Finder - online search database

Community groups and businesses in the Tararua District can find grants more easily with the new Tararua Grant Finder. Tararua Grant Finder hand-picks grants and funding opportunities specific to local businesses and community groups, encompassing all government and private sector grants available. The portal also features council’s grants and initiatives.

Organisations and individuals can use the search engine to find available grants and filter them by specifying industry and type of project.

Tararua Grant Finder has been made possible through Tararua District Council. Council has joined forces with New Zealand and Australia’s most powerful grant search engine, GrantGuru, to deliver a free one-stop-shop grants portal. It is free for community, business and residents to use to seek funding for their goals, projects, events, and/or services.

Users can register to receive alerts about funding programs relevant to them as they become available, giving businesses and community groups the opportunity to plan and submit well-prepared funding applications.

Visit https://grantguru.com/nz/tararua and start securing funding today!

Got a question? Hopefully we've got it covered in our frequently asked questions.

If not, you can call us on 06 374 4080 or 06 376 0110 and ask to speak with the Community Development Team

Funds administered by Council

Creative Communities Scheme

The Creative Communities New Zealand funding scheme has been established to provide support to arts and cultural activities taking place within a local area. The scheme supports a wide range of arts projects under the following art forms: craft/object arts, dance, inter-arts, literature, Maori arts, multi-art forms (including film, music, Pacific arts, theatre and visual arts.

This brochure (309KB pdf) tells you if your project can be funded through the Creative Communities Scheme and how to make an application.

This is the Creative Communities Application form.

For more information, contact:

Scheme Administrator, Carole Wilton
Phone: 06 376 0217

General Assistance Grants Schemes

The Dannevirke Community Board and Eketāhuna Community Board each administer a General Assistance Grants Scheme to support locally recognised organisations in their respective communities.

Applications for financial assistance from these schemes are welcomed from locally recognised organisations, whose principal functions and/or activities are of a community or charitable nature.

Application forms and further details of the schemes are available from the links below:

If you'd like to pick up a hard copy of a form, please call into:

  • Dannevirke Service Centre at 26 Gordon Street, Dannevirke to collect a form for the Dannevirke Community Board General Assistance Grants Scheme.
  • Eketāhuna Library and Service Centre, 31 Main Street, Eketāhuna to collect a form for the Eketāhuna Community Board General Assistance Grants Scheme.

International Representatives Scheme

The International Representatives Scheme has been established to provide funding for amateur athletes when selected to represent New Zealand, through the national body and/or international body's qualifying criteria, for an international event where two or more countries are participating.

Rural Travel Fund

The Sport NZ Rural Travel Fund is designed to help subsidise travel for rural junior teams aged between 5-18 years, removing the barrier of travel cost so they can compete in regular sporting competition. The fund is administered on behalf of Sport NZ by 35 eligible Territorial Authorities across Aotearoa.

The fund is available to rural sport club teams or rural school club teams within the participating Territorial Authority (TA) regions who are competing in a regular local competition outside of school time. These teams must consist of members aged between 5 and 18 years.

Please read the guidelines to check that you are eligible before applying. The application form is available below or can be collected from your nearest Council Service Centre.

Other local funding opportunities

Horizons’ Regional Council Grants and Sponsorship

Horizons’ community grants provide funding and advice to community groups that are helping make this Region a great place to live, work and play. Horizons Community Grant webpage have a variety of grants that the public can apply for.

For further information, please contact Horizons Regional Council on 0508 800 800 or visit Grants and Sponsorship - Horizons Regional Council.

Tū Manawa Active Aotearoa

Tū Manawa Active Aotearoa provides funding for the delivery of activities for children and young people. Activities can be new or existing, and your application needs to show how you’re meeting the needs of young people.

This fund has a particular focus on groups who are less active, including girls and young women, disabled people and those living in higher deprivation communities.

Find out more:  Tū Manawa Active Aotearoa | Sport New Zealand - Ihi Aotearoa (sportnz.org.nz)