Looking for funding ?

Generosity NZ is the largest digital search platform for funding information in Aotearoa.

There are three search tools that can be used to connect people to funding opportunities:

  • givME offers access to scholarships and grants for individuals
  • givUS offers access to grants and schemes for communities, volunteer organisations, schools, groups, sport clubs and iwi
  • givER connects businesses with community groups to achieve positive social impact

It’s FREE to sign up for Generosity NZ for all Tararua District residents - all you need is your Tararua Library Card number (if you don’t have a card or can’t find yours, call or visit your local Tararua Library to request a new one).

To sign up: www.bit.ly/tararuasignup and enter your details.
To join the library: https://onlinereg.kotui.org.nz/forms/25

Need extra support?
Council offers a fundraising support service to support communities, volunteer organisations, schools, groups, sport clubs and iwi with their funding needs. Talk to our Community Development Team about how we can support you, call 06 374 4080 or 06 376 00110 or email to info@tararuadc.govt.nz (ATT: Community Development Team).