Temporary reduction for Dannevirke water restriction to Get Ready (No Restrictions)

Many will be aware of the ongoing challenges with Dannevirke’s impounded supply (or untreated water reservoir / dam). If not, you can read the latest update here: https://www.tararuadc.govt.nz/dvk-reservoir

The impounded supply is still leaking and we are operating it to a maximum height of 9.5 metres to mitigate risks on the dam wall, as recommended by external dam advisers. With the Tamaki River at relative stable flows, we see a window of opportunity where we are comfortable in temporarily removing Dannevirke’s water restrictions.

With restrictions removed, we encourage Dannevirke residents to fill up their pools and/or water tanks, and complete jobs like water blasting, while the water source is stable. It is almost certain that some level of water restriction will be required later in the year, when the Tamaki River goes into low flows and there is a reduced volume of stored water in the impounded supply. So take the opportunity now to prepare for summer.

It should be noted that we will be going into this summer with far more water stored in the impounded supply, compared to last summer when initial repairs to the impounded supply resulted in it only being 4.2 metres full in October.

We appreciate that ongoing issues with Dannevirke’s water supply is frustrating, and appreciate your patience as we seek to implement a good, long term solution to this.